Algebra Support Every Thursday 2:50-3:35 p.m.

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Algebra 1 Syllabus

Jill Fernandez

"Math is the way to understand all sorts of things in the world around us."  Galileo

LEARNING OUTCOMES- Begin with the end in mind

Students will accurately communicate and successfully demonstrate a variety of mathematical ideas and concepts.  Students will develop and incorporate diverse mathematical skills in their everyday lives to solve real-world problems. 

TEXTBOOK-   Big Ideas Math, Algebra 1, by Ron Larson and Laurie Boswell, Published by Big Ideas Learning, LLC. 2015

COURSE DESCRIPTION- Algebra 1 focuses on teaching numerous math topics aligned to the Florida State Standards for Mathematics, with an emphasis on communication, collaborative learning, problem-solving skills and applicable use of technology.  Major topics include:

  • Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Functions
  • Systems of  Linear Equations and Inequalities
  • Exponents and Exponential Functions
  • Polynomial Equations and Factoring
  • Quadratic Functions and Equations
  • Data Analysis and Probability

For more information on the state mathematics standards visit


Every day in class you will need to bring the following materials:

  • Executive Function/Math binder with paper and pencils
  • Math Workbook/Journal
  • Calculator
  • Planner


Grades will be weighted according to the following percentages:

  • Assessments- Test, quiz, or project 60%
  • Assignments- Classwork 20%
  • Employability/Homework 20%- Homework will be assigned Monday through Friday, and will be checked at the beginning of class. To receive full credit for an assignment ALL PROBLEMS must be attempted with the process shown.  Late homework will result in a reduction of the weekly employability homework grade. Homework may occasionally be graded for accuracy. 

** For information regarding the Algebra 1 EOC (End-of-Course exam) please visit the following website:

Late Work- Completing your work as scheduled is essential for your success in math class. Assignments (Classwork) turned in late will receive a 10% per day deduction, with a 3 day maximum acceptance of late work. 

Extra Credit- An extra credit option is available each nine-week grading period. This option is intended to assist a student’s grade by 2-3%, and is beneficial for those students who find that their overall grade is slightly below the next higher letter grade.

Absences- It is the student’s responsibility to find out their missing work when an absence occurs.  In addition, assignments are posted online. Students must also copy the missing date’s work from a classmate’s planner upon their return from an absence. Please note** If an absence occurs because a student leaves school early or arrives late, they are expected to retrieve their work before leaving school for the day


In order to create a positive learning environment and to ensure each student’s mathematical success, the following rules outline my expectations for student behavior.

Classroom Rules:

  • Follow directions the first time that they are given.
  • Pay attention in class and participate- Class participation and active questioning for clarification play a vital role in your success in this class.
  • Be prepared with all materials.
  • Be respectful in all of your actions and words.
  • Adhere to all Sky Academy rules.

***Consequences for disregarding our classroom rules will be documented, and a parent or guardian may be notified.