At SKY Academy Middle Schools, we believe students have the most success when the entire family is involved in the education process. To keep our families invovled we use two applications please be sure to download them both. FOCUS is a platform we use for registration and grades, FOCUS gives you access to your students grades, assignments and absences.
Click Here for FOCUS
PowerSchool Behavior is a point based behavorial tool that SKY personel uses to incetivize our students to make favorbale decisions. However, this tool also allows staff to give student a electronic repremand that automatically gets sent to the parent. Parents then have access to how their student behaves through out the day. At the end of the week the students may use their POWER Points to purchase from the school store.
Click Here for PowerSchool Behavior
At SKY we want our parents to feel welcome. We want parents to visit our school and contact our principal or their child's teachers, with any questions or concerns they might be having. We also enjoy having families take part in SKY Academy events at the school and off site events throughout the community. Please call our schools for any questions you may have.
Englewood SKY Academy 941-999-4775 Fax: 941-999-4796