Venice Public Records & Policies

SKY Academy Logo

SKY Academy is a tuition free public charter middle school and complies with all Florida Sunshine laws. Documents pertaining to the operations of the school are posted in this section.

Parental Involvement Representative

Local representative, Shelley McGuire (Venice) or John Bailey (Englewood) , appointed as required for charter schools by Florida law 2011-232, (F.S. 1002.33(7)(d)1. & 2.).

This representative is appointed to facilitate parental involvement, provide access to information, assist parents and others with questions and concerns and resolve disputes.

You may contact Shelley McGuire by e-mail.  You may contact John Bailey at 941-999-4775 or by email.

School Policies for Families

SKY Academy Admission Policy

SKY Academy currently serves approximately 350 students grades 6-8. Each year SKY Academy holds an open enrollment period, in which parents may fill out an application to show interest in attending SKY Academy. The Open Enrollment period begins October 1st and closes the following April 1st. Below is an example of the sequence of events for admissions:

  1. Parents fill out a registration form as a document of interest during the Open Enrollment Period
  2. SKY Academy will hold an Open House for interested, prospective students and families
  3. After the Open Enrollment Period closes, admitted students will be sent a letter of acceptance. After acceptance, SKY Academy Enrollment paperwork will be available for accepted students/families and will need to be turned in by the specified due date in order to retain the enrollment spot

Please Note: If more students/families apply than seats available at SKY Academy, all applications will be placed into a lottery system at the closure of the Open Enrollment Period. Accepted students will be selected randomly, according to lottery procedures. 

SKY Academy Dismissal Policy

A student may be dismissed from the SKY Academy for one or more of the following reasons as supported by SKY Academy Charter, Sarasota School Board Student Code of Conduct and SKY Academy Student and Parent Contracts.

  • Failure of the student to follow school policies as stated in his/her signed student contract.
  • Failure of the parent(s)/guardian(s) to adhere to the signed parent contract.
  • Failure to follow all policies and rules as outlined in the Sarasota County Student Code of Conduct and SKY Registration Documentation.

SKY Academy Dismissal Procedure

The following information represents the school guidelines for student dismissal. “Please note that all SESIR incidents will result in immediate dismissal.”

  1. Parent(s)/Guardians(s) will be notified of the student issue. Verbal or written communication is acceptable and will be documented.
  2. Student issue will be discussed at weekly SWST (School Wide Support Team) meeting for recommendations and interventions. Interventions can include academic, behavioral and attendance issues.
  3. Parent Conference with all student teachers and administrator and documented by Team Leader. Student can be monitored on weekly basis if necessary at this time.
  4. If student issue persists, student will be placed on documented and dated student behavioral contract with requirements listed. Parent(s)/Guardian(s), student, and administrator signature is required.
  5. If student does not satisfactorily complete student probation, parent contact will be made by administrator notifying that the student will be dismissed to his/her district school.